Archive | September, 2013

Proof of Life, Part 28

27 Sep

April 9, 2131

Hidaya watched the video Nassor sent of the news conference announcing her success. Her image, in a carefully draped hajib, occupied the top right corner of the screen. She straightened her spine when the reporter linked her name with those of Columbus, Magellan, and Armstrong. She, Captain Hidaya Tsuvecki, a female Muslim from Kenya, had earned a place in the history texts.

Proof of Life, Part 27

26 Sep

April 4, 2131

The Motherlode crossed Neptune’s orbit and officially entered the Kuiper belt.

“We’ve done it, Memre’! We’ve reached the Kuiper belt!”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Let’s send Nassor confirmation. Then we’ll slow down and begin the survey.”

Proof of Life, Part 26

24 Sep

June 26, 2129

“I’m over eight years into this journey, Nassor. It’s been much harder than I expected. Because people make me nervous, I thought I’d be fine alone. Dr. Nwosu has helped me see that my avoidance is a coping strategy. I still need people to, well, avoid or push away. That makes me feel in control, I guess.” She sighed. “We still have lots of work to do. Sometimes, though, I worry that if she cures me too soon before I get back, I will go crazy from the solitude.”

Proof of Life, Part 25

23 Sep

June 26, 2128

“Nassor! I found my old counselor, Dr. Nwosu! She assures me it is possible to root out even neuroses as deeply planted and long lasting as mine. We’re starting with my earliest memories, when I still thought the universe a good place. She has me doing sensory meditation exercises about my family and early childhood. I remember the sound of Father singing in the shower each morning. I remember how our mothers smelled: Maamaa smelled of sandalwood and patchouli; Min of cinnamon, cloves, and curry; and Mathee of the rose petals she scattered in her dresser. ”

Proof of Life, Part 24

22 Sep

April 7, 2128

“Another response came to your search for Dr. Nwosu, Captain.”

Hidaya was working in the ship gardens. “Read it aloud.”

“Yangu Kipanya! My Little Mouse! It is very good to hear from you. I’ve often wondered how you fared after you left my care. I apologize for not responding more quickly, but I caught ImmunoDef4 this winter. I spent months in a slow recovery, but I’m better now and would like to know how you are doing. Tutaonana!”

Hidaya laughed, “That’s my old doctor! No one else ever called me Yangu Kipanya!” She inserted a transplant into a larger holder, tenderly spreading its roots for maximum exposure to the nutrient spray. “I’ll finish up here, Memre’, before replying.”

Proof of Life, Part 23

20 Sep

February 1, 2128

The standard filters sifted out responses from the lewd and fringe elements, but Hidaya still had over a hundred replies — thirty-three from personal injury attorneys. She was tempted to have Memre’ follow up on those with a nasty virus, but it was Ramadan. None came from her Dr. Nwosu.

Proof of Life, Part 22

18 Sep

January 29, 2128

On the first day of Ramadan, Hidaya settled into a comfortable lotus position and began to meditate. She considered her deep-seated anxieties. Since the riot, she’d avoided relationships with people other than Nassor and his family. She avoided physical contact because she knew that other people were dangerous and unpredictable. Out here, alone in space, without people to invoke her flight-or-fight response, she recognized that she was lonely. Perhaps now, with her mind clear, she should finally do some mental housekeeping. She sighed at this thought, because she knew she couldn’t do it alone.

“Memre’, send a query to Earth for Dr. Neema Nwosu, last known residence – Nairobi. Phrase it, ‘Captain Hidaya Tsuvecki seeks the Dr. Neema Nwosu, formerly of Nairobi, Kenya, who treated her from 2087 to 2089. Please respond.’ Attach a standard filter and secure path for responses then send it out.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Proof of Life, Part 21

17 Sep

September 30, 2127

After deploying Sci-Com 21, Hidaya celebrated by making a salad with her new pepper cross, which had just reached maturity. It was a very pretty pepper: four inches long, tapered, yellow with orange streaks. She took a bite and chewed, concentrating on its flavor. When the pepper’s heat hit her, she gasped and tried water, lettuce, and then lentils to clean the capsaicin from her mouth. Her sinus passages opened, and tears streamed from her eyes. Her mouth went completely numb.

“Oh!” she moaned. “I don’t think botany is the right project for me.”

Proof of Life, Part 20

16 Sep

June 26, 2127

In her yearly video to Nassor, Hidaya admitted to an increasing sense of boredom and loneliness since cutting off communications with Europa. “It is a very strange feeling for me, Brother, to be craving the company of other people. I haven’t felt this way since Jamila’s wedding and the riot.” Her voice trailed away. Even now, forty years later, she refused to discuss what had happened. Instead, she changed the subject: “I took up plant breeding as a hobby and have bred one of my edible flowers in a different color. It tastes the same, but the color variety is nice. My next project involves crossing some peppers. I’d like to develop a variety that is both sweet and spicy.”

Proof of Life, Part 19

14 Sep

February 24, 2127

Hidaya said farewell to the scientists on Europa, claiming that she was heading back to Mars, her cargo hold full of valuable minerals. She had Memre’ close Europa’s access to the satellite and increase its security levels in case someone got the idea of trying to hack into it, as she claimed to have done. After triple checking Memre’s work on the satellite’s security system, Hidaya performed a thorough check of Motherlode’s bio, mechanical, and computer systems. All systems were in perfect working order. Nothing needed repair or attention. She worked on a needlework project for fifteen minutes before irritably tossing it aside.

“Memre’, I’m bored. I need a project that stretches my mind.”

“Have you considered botany?”


“Yes, Captain. You could try to cross pollinate different plants to produce new varieties. I have an introductory text available if you are interested.”

Hidaya considered the novel proposition for several minutes. “Okay, Memre’. Show me.”